
Raise a Glass to Wine Painting

I am thrilled to share some exciting news with you! Over the past few months, I’ve been exploring a fascinating new medium that combines two of my passions—art and wine. Today, I am delighted to announce the launch of my latest collection: wine paintings! A Blend of...
Coffee Painting Kit

Coffee Painting Kit

Finally … After many many years of talking about creating a coffee painting kit to share with friends and family and maybe even try to market and sell, I finally got it done!  My first CoffeeART Painting Kit is now complete and I am excited to create more themed...
Connor & Joey

Connor & Joey

“How did this single commission painting request turn into two very different paintings?”   Well, let me tell you how it all happened and scroll to the bottom if you want to see the finished artwork! My friend Sue is the biggest dog-lover I know. She...

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