Kansas Sunflower NoteCARDS


SUNFLOWERS ❤️?❤️ And these Kansas Sunflower Notecards are perfect for any of your sunflower-lovers!

Sunflowers are the only flower in its name. “Helianthus” is the scientific name of Sunflower, Helia for Sun and Anthus for Flower. Sunflowers are the symbol of faith, loyalty and adoration. They follow the movement of the sun across the sky from east to west, and this process is known as heliotropism.

Original art painted with acrylics. There are 6 cards & 6 envelopes, packaged in plastic sleeve. Check out American Meadows to order some sunflower seeds for your garden! And if you have any Texas connections, check out my Texas Bluebonnets cards here.

Interesting Characteristics of Sunflowers

  • Sunflowers attract bees, making them useful in areas where people are beekeeping and looking to attract more bees.

  • At the bud stage, sunflowers exhibit a unique trait called heliotropism, with which the bud of the sunflower faces the sun at all times throughout the day, starting the day facing east and ending it facing west.

  • Not all sunflower petals are yellow. There are more than 60 varieties of sunflowers that live around the world—some of these varieties have striped petals. Some sunflowers also have different interior shades.

  • The French word for sunflower is tournesol, which translates literally to “turned sun,” referring to the plant’s ability to turn itself to face the sun.

  • The sunflower is the only flower with the word “flower” in its name.

  • Got a sunflower that no longer has seeds on the inside? You can use the head of the sunflower as a natural scrubbing tool!

History and Geography

  • Sunflowers are native to the Americas.
  • Historically, they have been used for medicine, dye, food, and oil, and were exported around 1500.
  • The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas and the national flower of Ukraine.


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